
Recipe4share is an app for Windows 8 where you can view, post, rate, print and share recipes.

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Do you like cooking? Do you have a kitchen-drawer full of cut out recipes? Can't you find your favorite recipe? With Recipe4share you can have your recipes organized into categories and subcategories and mark them as your favorites. Organize your recipes at ease behind your PC with mouse and keyboard, and in the kitchen you have your tablet with Windows 8/RT where you can create great meals from your recipes.

All your recipes are automatically shared with other Recipe4share users, so they can add your recipes to their favorites. And of course, you can also see their recipes and add them to your favorites.

All recipes can be rated with 1 to 5 stars and users can comment on the recipes in the app. So it's easy to see what other people think of your recipes!

You can work together with all other users Recipe4share to ensure that Recipe4share will become a comprehensive reference recipe book, just by posting one or more of your favorite recipes in the app!
